Phase 1 till 8 courses

Dear colleagues, dear friends,

EATO, The European Academy for Traditional Osteopathy, offers you the possibility to study The Biodynamic Model in Osteopathy in a unique setting. Teacher will be Werner Van Camp D.O. MSc. Ost.
Werner was a long-time friend of Dr. Jealous, the founder of the Biodynamic Model of Osteopathy in the Cranial Field. Dr Jealous was for a long time Werner’s mentor and together they founded the European Academy for Traditional Osteopathy and later the Swiss Osteopathic Center for Kids and its training program in Osteopathy for Children.

Out of the graduates of this SOCK Training Program the Be Still and Enjoy Study Group was formed. Members of this study group are all Osteopaths with a tremendous amount of experience that finished the 6 year SOCK Training Program and the Biodynamic Phase Program.

The opportunity for these courses is unique because the Be Still and Enjoy Study Group will be present with all the other students in the courses to not only repeat the program but also to refresh and deepen their knowledge and to help wherever possible the colleagues’ students in the group.

The possibility to study together with this group of dedicated osteopaths therefor is a unique possibility to combine knowledge, experience, motivation, and friendship. The level of learning and sharing is expected to be at a unique level as the material can be enriched with many personal experiences.

  • SOCK (Swiss Osteopathic center for Kids)TRAINING PROGRAM

    A new SOCK Training Program will so start in September 12 to 15, in ESPOO, Helsinki, Finland. The venue is easy to reach and offers all the necessary values to have a wonderful course together with friends and colleagues.

    This is a start, and the following courses and timetable will be explained later.

    Please find a more detailed explanation of the program on our website.


    From January 13 to 16, 2024, the same setting for a unique start of the Phase Program in The Biodynamic Model of Osteopathy in The Cranial Field.

    For this course we will be in the Breathtaking Stillness of Saariselka, Lapland in Finland.

    For many years already we keep on going to Saariselka for its unique setting supporting the Biodynamics of Osteopathy in a unique way. The Stillness present in nature and throughout the whole region takes the perception and understanding of our work to another level. Here the study group will make the course with a mixture of colleagues for whom the Biodynamic Model is new and more experienced friends again a “not to miss” opportunity to deepen your understanding of Dr Stills Osteopathic Philosophy.

    Phase 1 is the first module of a 9 Module Phase Program in the Biodynamics of

    Traditional Osteopathy.

    The venue here is winter magic and easy to reach with a 50 min flight from Helsinki to Ivalo.

    If you are interested in discovering or refreshing the Biodynamics of Traditional Osteopathy the combination or one of these two courses will certainly enlighten your view.

    Please find a more detailed explanation of the program on our website.


    From 18 to 21 January 2024

    A course open to everyone who started the courses in Traditional Osteopathy.

    In this course we try to understand and deepen our perception throughout the different landscapes during our Osteopathic Treatments. 4 days to immerge fully into Osteopathy and Nature trough treatments for ourselves and our patients.

    A moment for those who want to take full advantage of what Osteopathy and Lapland can offer.

    Discover Neutral, Fulcrums, Rest, Health and Love together with friends and go home and start 2024 with fully loaded batteries.

“All a musician can do is to get closer to the sources of nature, and so feel that he is in communion with the natural laws.”

John Coltrane

If you are interested in these courses, please contact us as soon as possible at

Or visit our website

The EATO Team.


Together with Dr. Jealous we founded the SOCK clinic and the SOCK Training Program in 2006, with a whole team of dedicated Osteopaths sharing the same ideal, serving children and their Health. We started our first program that has grown to be a wonderful “meeting place” for Osteopaths from all over the world to share, learn and treat children together. The courses are designed to enable registered Osteopaths to develop into safe and proficient pediatric practitioners with high–level critical reasoning and practical treatment skills. It secures their knowledge base and makes them aware of its limitations.

Our program for this Osteopathic Treatment of Children has been assembled with Love. It will give you the opportunity to learn and work with some great colleagues from all over the world. Many of them having years of experience treating children. All the teaching units in this program are in service to the treatment of families and children. It is the first time that so many teachers and students of Osteopathy have worked together to build up one curriculum, which will serve as a reference in pediatric osteopathic medicine.

The curriculum is based  on  the  biodynamic  model  as  designed   by James Jealous D.O. The fundamental courses will be given by Werner Van Camp D.O. MSc. Ost., who has been a friend and student of Dr. Jealous for many years. Additionally, members of the SOCK Faculty will present the study of the Biodynamic approach of the treatment of children. Supportive assessment will be in the form of case history-based reflection and sharing in the teaching clinic. These case history-based reflections will form the basis for review and discussion of the previous topic at each subsequent teaching session, adding depth and continuity to learning.

Teaching topics will include:

  • An osteopathic approach to pre-conception care, to include issues of fertility and assisted conception.
  • Ante natal care, of mother and baby. To include issues of fetal positioning, and self help measures for labor and delivery.
  • Birthing and Issues arising from fetal “malpresentation.”
  • Case history taking appropriate to the child.
  • Engaging children and the family in a clinical/treatment setting, to include appropriate use of language and “management” of the complex presentation.
  • Osteopathic and clinical assessment of the newborn, pre-school, school and adolescent child.
  • Osteopathic differential diagnosis on children from newborn until the age of 18.
  • Assessment and osteopathic management of respiratory presentations in children.
  • Assessment and osteopathic management of infectious presentations in children.
  • Assessment and osteopathic management of orthopedic presentations in children.
  • Assessment and osteopathic management of neurological presentations in children.
  • Assessment and osteopathic management of trauma related issues in children.
  • Assessment and osteopathic management of congenital/genetic issues in children.
  • Failure to thrive and growth and development issues in children.
  • Osteopathic support of the premature child.
  • Osteopathic approaches in behavioral issues.
  • Osteopathic treatment principles appropriate to the engagement of children.

All of these topics will form a significant part of the teaching, both at a lecture and hands on level in the clinic. When necessary, topics will be taught on a body system basis i.e. respiratory, orthopedic, neurological, etc. However, the intention of the course is to re-awaken the soul of the Osteopath, working from the form of Dr Still’s simple but profound principles, to allow the Osteopath to engage Health in whatever form it may present in the child. Students will take benefit of many years and thousands of treatments of experience from colleagues. It will provide students a tremendous foundation to welcome and help children and their families in their daily practices.

The program is presented in a form of three 4-day modules a year. This training program since its creation is unique in the world of osteopathic treatment for children and was the first of its kind. Woven around a practical day of treatment of patients in our children’s clinic will be some 20 hours of lecturing, reflective learning, study and time to explore the subtle nature of the exchange between Osteopath and child. Completion of the entire curriculum will take 6 years. This may seem long, but there is a lot to study and experience together and “time goes fast if you have fun” as our actual participants say. The schedule and timetabling for the teaching has been set at a tempo designed to maximize the learning potential from the three and a half day training units.

There is no better osteopathic teacher than the patient, a child.

As our founder Dr. Still said “The role of the Osteopath is to find Health in the patient, anyone can find disease.”


The Phase courses are set upon the therapeutic powers of the Dynamic Stillness, the Breath of Life, the Tidal Potency, Fluids, and other Natural Laws at work generating and supporting Life.  Techniques and teaching will be taught in full cooperation with the composite of the Living Mechanism and its intention within the moment. It is not about bones, or levers, or palpation. It is not about balanced membranous or ligamentous articular tension; these approaches are a different composite. It is about the Tide at work as the primary source of diagnosis and treatment, with no application of force to osteopathic lesions or psycho-emotional systems. The environment of the program is in the quiet of the Natural world with a dedicated teacher passing along the oral tradition of Osteopathy to small groups of participants.

If you are interested in these courses, please contact us as soon as possible at.

Or visit our website.