Upcoming EATO & BioBasic courses

An overview of the courses
that will be held in the first half of 2024

Lapland Winter Course 1

Sat 13th  to Tue 16th
of January 2024

Lapland Winter Course 2

Thu 18th to Sun 21st
of January 2024

Italy Phase 3

Thu 1st to Sun 4th of
February 2024

Swiss SOCK 11

Mon 5th  to Thu 8th
of February 2024

Holland SOCK 6

Mon 26th to Thu 29th
of February 2024

Italy SOCK 16

Thu 7th to Sun 10th of
March 2024

Finland SOCK 10

Thu 14th to Sun 17th
of March 2024

Finland SOCK 1

Fri 15th to Mon 18th
of March 2024

Holland Phase 9

Mon 25th to Thu 28th of
March 2024

Swiss SOCK 12

Mon 15th to Thu 18th
of April 2024

Holland SOCK 7

Mon 22nd to Thu 25th
of April 2024

Finland SOCK 11

Sat 11th to Tue 14th
of May

Finland SOCK 2

Mon 13th to Thu 16th
of May 2024

Finland Biobasics

Fri 17th to Sun 19th
of May 2024

Holland Special Group Course

Mon 3rd to Thu 6th
of June

Italy SOCK 17

Sat 15th to Tue 18th
of June 2024

Finland SOCK 3

Fri 20th to Mon 23th
of September 2024

“We look at the body in health as meaning perfection and harmony, not in one part, but in the whole”

Dr. Still