Holland SOCK 10

Holland SOCK 10

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SOCK  10

This is the 10th part of an 18 module advanced training program in the treatment of children. The program is designed to enable registered osteopaths to develop into safe and proficient pediatric practitioners with high–level critical reasoning and practical treatment skills.

About the event
The course is taking place from
Monday 28h till Thursday 1st of May 2025.

There will be a clinic on Wednesday.
Treatments are taking place under
supervision of the teacher.
To subscribe a patient for the clinic,
please write a mail to info@traditionalosteopathycourses.com

Monday: class starts from13:00 till 18:00.
Tuesday: class starts from 9:00 till 14:00
Wednesday: meeting place at 13:00, clinic starts from 14:00 till 18:00
Thursday: class starts from 9:00 till 14:00

Strandpaviljoen Brouw,
Brouwersdam Buitenzijde 20,
3253 MM Ouddorp.

Werner Van Camp D.O.

Course fee: 940,- euro

Coffee, tea, water and a healthy snack during the pauses are included.

Subscription and cancelling policies

Your subscription will be completed by registration. The general terms and conditions of EATO-bnl apply to this agreement. The invoice will be sent within the next days. Students can pay the exact amount within two weeks after receiving the invoice on account number IBAN/BIC of EATO-bnl with mentioning name and invoice number.

Cancelling two months before the start of the course, the full amount of the course will be refunded. Cancelling one month before the start of the course, 50% of the course fee will be asked as compensation for cancelling. Cancelling less than a month before the start of the course, the full amount of the course fee will be asked, unless there can be found a replacement.

With love,
Annelies and Greet

Checkbox *


28 April, 2025 ~1:00 pm
1 May, 2025 ~2:00 pm
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Strandpaviljoen Brouw
Brouwersdam, buitenzijde 20
Ouddorp, Zeeland 3253 MM Netherlands
+ Google Map
0187 202 010
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